
Used to display the current page path and quickly return to the history page.


import { Breadcrumb } from 'rsuite';

import Breadcrumb from 'rsuite/Breadcrumb';



Custom separator

With Expand

Should automatically collapse if there are more than 5 items. Use maxItems to set the maximum number of breadcrumbs to display.



  • <Breadcrumb trail is contained within a navigation landmark region.
  • The landmark region is labelled via aria-label or aria-labelledby.
  <Breadcrumb.Item href="/">Home</Breadcrumb.Item>
  <Breadcrumb.Item href="/components">Components</Breadcrumb.Item>
  <Breadcrumb.Item active>Breadcrumb</Breadcrumb.Item>
  • The link to the current page has aria-current set to page.
  <Breadcrumb.Item href="/">Home</Breadcrumb.Item>
  <Breadcrumb.Item href="/components">Components</Breadcrumb.Item>
  <Breadcrumb.Item aria-current="page" href="/components/breadcrumb">



Property Type (Default) Description
as ElementType ('nav') You can use a custom element type for this component.
classPrefix string ('breadcrumb') The prefix of the component CSS class
locale BreadcrumbLocaleType Locale text
maxItems numner(5) Set the maximum number of breadcrumbs to display
onExpand (event: MouseEvent) => void A function to be called when you are in the collapsed view and click the ellipsis
separator ReactNode ('/') Custom separator


Property Type (Default) Description
active boolean Active state
as ElementType ('a') You can use a custom element type for this component.
classPrefix string ('breadcrumb-item') The prefix of the component CSS class
href string Providing a href will render an a element
Vercel banner